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Hi, I am Rishabh

Rishabh Verma

Cloud Engineer

Hi! There, I am a cloud engineer who loves building cool stuff with Python and AWS
When I'm not coding, You find me lifting weights :)
Wanna Know about me? Check out all the things i did

And hey, speaking of cool things, did you know this page has been viewed 10 times? Fun fact!

Team Work
Hard Working
Fast Learner
Problem Solving



AWS Academy Cloud Architecting
AWS 31 March 2024

Earners of this certification have a comprehensive understanding of AWS services and technologies. They demonstrated the ability to build secure and robust solutions using architectural design principles based on customer requirements. Badge owners are able to strategically design well-architected distributed systems that are scalable, resilient, efficient, and fault-tolerant.

C++ Certified Associate Programmer Certification
Cisco 31 May 2022

With the completion of this course,The student gained a comprehensive understanding of essential principles and methodologies employed in object-oriented programming.

Programming Essentials in C
Cisco 10 May 2022

Students learn foundational concepts such as data types, control structures, functions, and memory management, along with basic algorithms relevant to AIML. Through hands-on exercises and projects, participants gain practical experience to start developing AIML applications in C.

Introduction to Cybersecurity
Cisco 5 Sep 2022

With the successful completion of the “Introduction to Cybersecurity” course, students acquire a thorough comprehension of fundamental principles and methodologies utilized in the field of cybersecurity.


Static Website Hosting
Developer April 2024 - Present

Created A hugo website and Hosted on AWS

Unity Machine Learning
Developer April 2024 - Present

Train a Model To Navigate Maze

Unity Game Development
Developer April 2022 - Present

Created A bunch of 2D and 3D Games
