So, about a month ago, I was just relaxing with my chai and scrolling through YouTube shorts when I saw a video about a cloud challenge. Despite my usual doubts about challenges, I decided to give it a try.

The challenge had 15 parts -

  1. Certification
  2. HTML
  3. CSS
  4. Static Website
  5. HTTPS
  6. DNS
  7. Javascript
  8. Database
  9. API
  10. Python
  11. Tests
  12. Infrastructure as Code
  13. Source Control
  14. CI/CD (Back end)
  15. CI/CD (Front end)

The first five look pretty easy. But afterwards :(

The first task was to finish an AWS certificate. Luckily, my college offers these for free. Well, sort of free, considering how much money I’ve already spent on tuition. Anyway, it took me a whole month to get two certificates. I learned a lot about EC2 instances, which are basically computers in the cloud.

Completing the certificate was surprisingly easy.

Next, I had to make a resume using HTML. Thankfully, I’ve been interested in making websites for a while, so HTML was no problem. Adding some CSS was like adding cream to chai—easy and fun!

Once the resume was done, I decided to make my own website. I tried to get a free domain, but that didn’t work out. So, I bought one instead. Everything seemed fine until it was time to host the website.

The challenge said I had to use an S3 bucket for hosting. I could have used something else, but I wanted to understand how it all worked. Turns out, hosting can be expensive. I thought I’d only have to pay once for my domain, but I ended up getting charged twice. AWS really burns through your money like it’s nothing!

I also added an SSL certificate to keep my users’ info safe.

A guy crying over a tea

Even through it sounds easy but trust me, it took me dozen of hours to make it work. while Wondering why i decided to become cloud enginner

With the hosting sorted, I started building my website. But then, I found out that my free S3 usage had run out, and I got hit with a charge. Ugh, I’m not a fan of AWS now. Next part consist of implementing visitor count and yes I am scared but also excited.

See Ya!